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Sprinkle Kindness

Our sweet girl….
I have never met a kinder, sweeter, or more loving child. 
She feels big and loves big. 
She understands that kindness makes a difference and that sometimes the unkind people are the ones that truly need it the most. 
She understands that love and kindness are never wasted. 
When I pick her up from school….one of the questions I ask her is “How were you kind today? How did you help someone?” I love her answers. 
They make MY day. 
Sometimes they are big acts of kindness….helping show a new student around or reassuring a sad friend. 
Other times they are tiny acts of kindness…and those tiny ripples are what I hope spread through her school. Can you imagine? If everyone child did that–there would be a a wave of kindness! 
Kindness is cool. Sprinkle that stuff like confetti….

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