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The Princess and The Prosthetic

How Magnesium Changed My Life

February 18, 2024 in Diabetic Diva, Lifestyle - 1 Comment

My health is one of my core values and I’ve focused over the last few years on optimizing it.  I wanted to share one of the most impactful things I’ve added to my supplement routine with y’all today–magnesium!

Related: Ten Healthy Habits that Changed My Life

Magnesium is found throughout your body. Every cell in your body contains this mineral and absolutely needs it to function.

About 60% of the magnesium in your body occurs in bone, while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues, and fluids, including your blood.  Magnesium supports hundreds of chemical reactions in your body like:

  • Energy creation
  • Protein formation
  • Gene maintenance
  • Muscle movement
  • Nervous system regulation

Magnesium is found naturally in foods like leafy greens, legumes, seeds and nuts.   And the shocking part is……most people get less than they need!

Now, before I share my experience with it…..let’s remember, I’m not a doctor.  I’m just a health girlie on the internet sharing her perspective with you.  Go do your own research, talk to your own doctor, and make the decision based on what works best for YOUR body.


I first was intrigued by magnesium because I read that it helped with sleep. Maintaining healthy magnesium levels can help you get restful sleep–helping you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Sold. I’m always looking for ways to optimize my rest and recovery and if there is a natural way to help me relax and wind down at night, I’m in.  I noticed an immediate impact as soon as I started taking it.  I was able to fall asleep quickly and another effect I noticed is that it gently helped me wind down at the end of the night.  I became more relaxed towards bedtime, almost as if my body knew it was time to start the process.


Magnesium is necessary for proper nerve function and also helps regulate inflammation and improve blood flow in the brain. People who experience frequent headaches, like migraines, tend to have lower blood levels of magnesium.

A number of studies have also found that magnesium supplements are helpful for reducing the frequency and severity of symptoms in people with migraines and tension-type headaches.

I used to get daily tension headaches.  I could set my watch by them–3PM every day I could start to feel the dull ache spread across my forehead and it wasn’t long before the pounding started.  I blamed stress, I blamed my sensitivity to fluorescent lights (I’m generally at work at 3PM most days), and I blamed it on lack of sleep.

They disappeared once I started taking magnesium.  Literally vanished.

Reduced Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Magnesium plays such an important role in your body’s stress response. If you’re not taking in enough magnesium, it can impact your ability to deal with stress. In fact, research shows that people who are frequently stressed have lower blood levels of magnesium compared to people who aren’t typically stressed!

What’s even more amazing, magnesium supplements may be helpful for improving symptoms of conditions like anxiety and depression.

My stress levels are continuously off the charts.  I have a chronic disease, my daughter has a disability + a chronic heart condition, my husband is in a dangerous profession and I also have a higher level of stress job.  Plus all of the normal stress of life! I do as much as I can to manage and mitigate all of those daily stressors but if there’s something else that can help me?  Sign me up.

I have noticed a fundamental shift in my response to stress now.  The easiest way I can explain it is that I notice the stress/stressor, but I’m not in it.  It doesn’t have it’s claws in me, I’m not drowning in it, it doesn’t pull me down the rabbit hole–I can see it, acknowledge it, without it completely taking me over.

PMS Symptoms

Some research suggests that magnesium supplements help relieve PMS symptoms (water retention, irritability, and fatigue) and other conditions such as menstrual cramps and migraine attacks.

This could because magnesium levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, worsening PMS symptoms in those with a deficiency. As such, supplements may help reduce the severity of symptoms, including menstrual migraine attacks.

I’ve seen a significant difference in my cramps after starting on magnesium.  Day one of my period used to wreck me.  I would have zero energy, I looked like I was three months pregnant from the bloating and I would be doubled over in pain from the cramps.

Dare I say now that its…….easy?  My period has drastically changed since I started taking magnesium.  Don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t look forward to it or enjoy it, but it’s not a disruptive to my life as it used to be.  My energy levels are more balanced, my body feels better and I am more comfortable through the process.

No One Will Tell You But I Will…….

Magnesium has powerful poop-inducing potential.  You want to be regular?  Take magnesium.  You want flush toxins out of your body?  Take magnesium.

Magnesium acts in two different ways to potentially relieve occasional constipation. First, magnesium has an “osmotic laxative” effect, meaning it pulls water into the intestines. What this does is soften waste products, which, in turn, keeps things moving towards the exit. Second, magnesium relaxes intestinal muscles, which also aids in the whole transit process. These actions are why magnesium is a primary ingredient in some over-the-counter laxatives!

There’s many forms of magnesium, and they’re not all good for constipation.  The ones that I like are magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate and magnesium sulfate. Now, the more that you get to know yourself, the more that you’ll know exactly how much your body needs. Typically a starting dose is somewhere around 500 mg and you could easily go up to 750 or 1000 mg per day but be sure to talk to your healthcare team before implementing a supplement.

Pro tip?  I would suggest adding this to your nighttime supplement schedule.

I found it best to take it before bedtime and since I take it before bed, it helps me sleep, plus I wake up the next morning and have a great bathroom moment.  Then I’m off and running.

My favorite brand of magnesium?  Cymbiotika. Literally, 99% of my supplements come from them.  I love their founder, I love their mission, I love their attention to detail and quality ingredients.  My favorite supplements?   Their magnesium, Vitamin C, and their Glutathione.

Want to try them out and save some $$$?  Use the link below or simply enter “Jaime Cline” when you check out in the discount code field!

Commit to your health every day with Cymbiotika!


Hi everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by! My name is Jaime! Wife to my better half, James, who is my moon and all of my stars. We are parents to our little warrior princess, Callie Grace. We started this blog to share our journey as we navigate through our crazy beautiful life. Callie is a lower limb amputee and I am a Type One Diabetic. We are hoping to change the face of beauty one step at a time! We hope by sharing our story, you leave with a little bit more inspiration and hope! Thank you so much for stopping by and joining our tribe!

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    About Me

    About Me


    Hi Y'all! My name is Jaime and it's so nice to meet you! Welcome to The Princess & The Prosthetic! This brand is inspired by my daughter Callie who is a lower limb amputee. We're dedicated to inspiring others to embrace their own perfectly imperfect fairytale. We advocate for people with disabilities and hope to inspire everyone--regardless of ability--to love and accept themselves just they way they are! I am a story teller at heart and this blog is a virtual scrapbook of our crazy beautiful life. You're in the right place if you are a huge book nerd, drink coffee like your life depends on it, and run on dry shampoo and Amazon Prime. We live a semi-crunchy lifestyle but still love a good Texas BBQ. Inclusion is our love language. You can find us either on the archery range, at the stables, on a hiking trail, or walking our rescue dog, Jack! We are so grateful that you’ve found us—welcome to the fam. Read More


    All of these things can look like rest 🌙✌️✨️

I'm learning all I can about how important rest is for me (#hashiwarrior ) and I'm's not just about sleep. 

Taking time for me, prioritizing things that are truly important, and getting rid of pesky perfection are some of the things I'm implementing! 

#hashimotosdisease #autoimmunedisease #restday #perfectionism #timeforme
    If I do anything as a mother........
It will be to make sure she knows that she is loved beyond measure ✨️✨️✨️

    Slice of life.....

Spring Potting

New Workout Space

Grounding + morning coffee + vitamin D

Puzzles + Coffee

Farming co-op pick up day

Life After Gluten 

25lb draw + 50 meters

ERG Mixer

Board of Directors meeting

Walks on walks
    Sharing all the beautiful things that happen when you set (and hold!) a boundary!

#boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #toxicfamilymembers #toxicfamily ##toxicrelationship #toxicrelationshipsurvivor #relationshipadviceforwomen

It's a lot of showing me what a mature love is...
Laughing so hard at your jokes, I pee my pants.
Making me feel gorgeous when I roll out of bed in your oversized academy tee and a messy bun. 

It's a lot of pushing me to be 1% better every day....
Believing in me when I have nothing left in the tank.
Couch dates, the space in-between my fingers that your hands always seem to be, and pulling me back to bed pleading for just five more minutes. 

It's a lot of when I doubt myself, you walking side by side with me through the darkness....and quietly pointing out the places I shine the brightest. 

It's a lot of choices, promises, commitment, and loyalty. It's a lot of stolen kisses, inside jokes, and catching your eyes on me from across the room. 

It's a lot of work. Long walks with the dog on Sunday. "I'll be late. I love you." texts. 

It's a lot of five page love letters in a world full of status updates, dream come trues, and waking up next to you. 

It's a lot of falling in love with each other's chaos. Conquering our demons and wearing our scars like wings. Unpacking childhood wounds, setting boundaries, and seeing each other for the perfectly imperfect humans that we are. 

It's a lot of sighs, eye rolls, heartaches, and comebacks. Wiping away tears and promising to try again.  Wanting to be close instead of wanting to be right. It's a lot of grace and forgiveness.  Healing and inner work.

It's a lot of figuring out if we're wild wrapped in fragile or fragile wrapped in wild when it comes to our love. Because in some ways, this feels so incredibly strong--unbreakable. In other ways, I want to fiercely protect this beautiful, delicate, amazing once in a lifetime thing at all costs from the world. You and me, baby. Always. 

And as we go to sleep tonight, my head tucked neatly into your shoulder....
Every thump.
Every drum.
Every pump of your strong steady heartbeat....
Reminds me of one thing. 


Happy Anniversary ❤️

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