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The Princess and The Prosthetic

How to Be Your Own Valentine–Ways to Show Yourself Some Love this February

February 1, 2024 in Lifestyle - No Comments

Ah, February: the month of all the red roses, all the rom-coms, and heart-shaped everything. Maybe you’re like me (a hopeless romantic) and look forward to Feb. 14 all year or maybe your Valentine’s Day typically feels sad, lonely, or disappointing. Le sigh.

But no matter what your relationship status is, the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Yes, that might have been a cheesy cliché your mama told you growing up, but it’s also a powerful truth. How you feel about and talk to yourself is key to the success of your other relationships and are pivotal components of physical health and mental health.

More easily said……how you love yourself literally impacts every aspect of your life, and therefore, learning to love yourself is the most important skill you could master.

Week 1

1. Make a list of five things that always make you happy and put it on your mirror, desk, or fridge where you’ll see it often.  When you need a pick-me up this week, do one of the activities on the list.
2. Buy yourself flowers.  The more extravagant the bouquet the better and bonus points if you send it to yourself at work.
3. Revisit a childhood hobby–for me, it’s scrapbooking!
4. Go for a walk on your lunch break.
5. Make a fun playlist of all your favorite songs.
6. Unplug for three hours on your day off.
7. Journal prompt: Get to know yourself. Take some time to think about what you believe in, value, and like. Make a list of your strengths (particularly the small ones that tend to go unnoticed).

Week 2

8. Say “no” when you want to say no.
9. Eat the rainbow by trying a variety of fruits and vegetables this week.
10. Splurge on the item you’ve been wanting–I have my eye on a gorgeous pair of turquoise cowboy boots.
11. Take yourself on a date or set the table with candles, the good china, and a fancy tablecloth.
12. Do something that would make you proud of yourself: perform a random act of kindness, spend the day getting ahead in your career goals, or actually do the workout you promised yourself that you would do,
13. Watch your favorite movie.  Pop yourself some popcorn!
14. Journal prompt: Look at a picture of yourself as a baby or young child. How would you talk differently to yourself if you were talking to her? What do you want to tell her?  Be sure to tell her HOW proud you are of her.

Week 3

15. Identify your love language and then do one thing to show yourself love in that language.
16. Make a promise to yourself and then keep it (work out before work, make a green smoothie for breakfast, take a real lunch break, cut off work at 5 p.m., etc.)
17. Unfollow or mute every account that doesn’t make you feel inspired, encouraged, or good about yourself.  Family included!
18. Sit in child’s pose for a minute to start your day.
19. Dress up in your favorite outfit and put on your favorite lipstick. Wear the “expensive” perfume you normally save for special occasions.
20. Take some time to “play:” turn on music and dance or do something creative like coloring, drawing, or cooking.
21. Journal prompt: Write down past mistakes you’re still holding on to. Reflect on how you’ve changed since those past mistakes or embarrassing moments. Realize how even the worst moments have made you stronger, kinder, and better, and then forgive yourself.

Week 4

22. Say “thank you” instead of “I’m sorry.”
23. Find ways to sneak leafy greens into sauces, dips, and dressings.
24. Write a list of the things you love most about yourself.
25. Start a personal development book.
26. Treat yourself to an ice cream cone.
27. Try a coffee shop you’ve never been to before.
28. Journal prompt: How can you become more “you?” Self-love happens when our actions align with who we really are. Make a list of your qualities, likes, traits, strengths, and passions. Then, write down how you can become more of each thing. I call that doubling down on the things that you are a ROCKSTAR at!  Also, get rid of the activities or traits that don’t feel true to you and fill up the empty space with more you-ness (By doing so, you are creating and cultivating your very best life). Every work goal, wellness intention, and daily schedule should support becoming more of who you really are.


Hi everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by! My name is Jaime! Wife to my better half, James, who is my moon and all of my stars. We are parents to our little warrior princess, Callie Grace. We started this blog to share our journey as we navigate through our crazy beautiful life. Callie is a lower limb amputee and I am a Type One Diabetic. We are hoping to change the face of beauty one step at a time! We hope by sharing our story, you leave with a little bit more inspiration and hope! Thank you so much for stopping by and joining our tribe!

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Hi Y'all! My name is Jaime and it's so nice to meet you! Welcome to The Princess & The Prosthetic! This brand is inspired by my daughter Callie who is a lower limb amputee. We're dedicated to inspiring others to embrace their own perfectly imperfect fairytale. We advocate for people with disabilities and hope to inspire everyone--regardless of ability--to love and accept themselves just they way they are! I am a story teller at heart and this blog is a virtual scrapbook of our crazy beautiful life. You're in the right place if you are a huge book nerd, drink coffee like your life depends on it, and run on dry shampoo and Amazon Prime. We live a semi-crunchy lifestyle but still love a good Texas BBQ. Inclusion is our love language. You can find us either on the archery range, at the stables, on a hiking trail, or walking our rescue dog, Jack! We are so grateful that you’ve found us—welcome to the fam. Read More


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