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The Princess and The Prosthetic

Ways I’m Romanticizing Our Lives This Spring

March 21, 2024 in Lifestyle - No Comments

I’ve always been the girl to look for the magic and whimsy in life—those moments that sparkle and shine with the simple beauty that’s present all around us. I’m a romantic at heart, always searching for the colorful, enchanted, and intrigue filled moments present in every day.

To be clear, this perspective isn’t about toxic positivity. Instead, it’s a quality of observation.

Romanticizing your life is largely centered around finding joy, love, and peace within yourself. It’s the process of structuring not only your days and routines, but how you look at the world so that you’re always putting yourself in the path of beauty.

And what better time of year to begin practicing that than spring?

Here are some of my favorite ways to romanticize your life this spring:

1. Create a “morning moment.” Make the most of your morning wake-up call. Prep your beverage of choice, light your favorite candle, ice roll your face, take your supplements, and spend five minutes with your new read. Wayyy better than rushing out the door in a panic induced frenzy.

2. Transition your closet to spring. Time to put your bulky winter coats away in storage.  Lighter fabrics and brighter colors are key here—the time to romanticize your closet is now. If you haven’t heard, coquette core is in, and I’m loving all the bows, headbands, and girly accessories this season.

3. Pack a picnic. Whether you’re out with your partner, gathering for Saturday lunch with your friends, or bringing your book to the park for a solo date—food always tastes better al fresco.  Plus picnic baskets are so darling!

4. Update your mood board for spring. Some people create annual vision boards, but I like letting mine shift with the seasons. Take the old-school approach and clip images from magazines or get your inspiration on Pinterest and create a digital version on Canva. Bonus points if you make it your screen saver!

5. Go to a chick flick at a matinee with your girls. There’s something so lovely about seeing a movie with friends at the theater versus streaming it at home. It’s for sure the popcorn right?

6. Take yourself out on a date.  Others might refer to it as main character energy, either way I love the idea of designating a weekend morning, random afternoon, or an entire day to take yourself out for a date. Grab coffee alone, go thrifting, drop by your favorite book store, take a yoga class or take yourself out to dinner—whatever lights your heart on fire! Remember: the most important relationship you have in this life is with yourself.

7. Buy yourself the flowers. Don’t wait for someone else to shower you with your peonies or ranunculus. Go to Trader Joe’s, pick up a few bouquets, and DIY your own arrangements. After all, no one knows what you love like you.

8. Start an herb garden. There are plenty of tools and resources online (hello Pinterest) to help you get started. The best part? You can make it as small or as big as you have space for. (Actually, the best part is getting to jazz up our pizzas and pastas with fresh, home-grown herbs.)

9. Write letters. Whenever I break out my favorite beautiful stationary and pen a few love letters and notes of gratitude to friends and family, I instantly feel grounded and grateful.  Plus if makes me feel a little like I’m part of a historical romance novel, even better!

11. Do a mini makeover for your home.  Make your coffee table feel more like spring by stocking up on a few design books, cute objects, and a vase of flowers (perhaps your arrangement from idea #7?).

12. Disconnect. Unplug from your socials, email, and phone altogether. Schedule an hour a day or one day a week where you’re totally without your tech.

13. Upgrade your loungewear. Are you like me and fall asleep in your husband’s oversized tees? Do you pull on any old pair of sweatpants and call it a night? Invest in quality (read pretty) sleepwear. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it definitely makes a difference.

14. Join a co-op.  It’s a great way to get fresh, farm-grown veggies and to support your local community. Plus, who doesn’t love pretty produce?

15. Spring clean your closet. Donate any gently used pieces to your local women’s shelter.

16. Go minimalist on your nightstand. No, it’s not a dumping ground for things you don’t want to put in their rightful place. If you’re tired of waking up to a chaotic mess, streamline things: your book, flowers, perhaps a lamp, and a carafe of water. Notice how I didn’t include “phone.”

17. Create a wellness drawer. I did this a few months ago and it completely changed the game. Clear out a drawer and swap in all of your go-to wellness items: supplements, vitamins, collagen, amino acids, etc. Trust me, it’ll spark way more joy + all the added health benefits.

18. Make infused water. Citrus slices, cucumbers, lemon, mint, strawberries—the possibilities are endless. If you’re making it a priority to drink more H20 this year, might as well make it feel like a spa-worthy experience.

19. Delete your unused apps, unsubscribe from any unwanted emails and dump any unused subscription services while you’re at it. It’s one small act that can go a long way in clearing some of the clutter in your life. Read: more room for joy in your life.

20. Buy a new plant. Because it’s spring, and our spaces deserve a little green.

21. Find a signature scent. I never truly knew the power of a signature scent until I found Jo Malone’s Orange Blossom.  My husband now tells me he can find me anywhere in a room based on that scent alone.  It takes a little experimenting, but the process is well worth finding the fragrance that makes you feel your best.

22. Look for hearts. I can’t remember the podcast I first learned this practice from, but it’s completely changed how I see the world. Now, when I go on my walks and move throughout my days, I’m on the hunt for hearts. I light up when I see the child-drawn crafts in my neighbor’s window, rocks that look like hearts, puffy hearts made of clouds, or the chalk art on the sidewalk on my walks with Jack. Get ready for your perspective to shift in beautifully profound ways.

23. Recommit to what you loved doing as a child. Whatever sparks joy in your life, follow that feeling.  For me lately, it’s been coloring, hiking, and scrapbooking.

24. Get sunlight first thing. It’s one of the most powerful ways to set your circadian rhythm and maintain steady energy levels throughout the day.

25. Create social media content for you. I’ve found more joy in social media than ever by creating pictures, Reels, and videos that feel like a scrapbook—I’m not making them for anyone else but myself. They document our life in a way that I’m excited to look back on, capturing the moments and memories as they are. I’ll go as far as saying that I may love Instagram because of this new approach.


Hi everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by! My name is Jaime! Wife to my better half, James, who is my moon and all of my stars. We are parents to our little warrior princess, Callie Grace. We started this blog to share our journey as we navigate through our crazy beautiful life. Callie is a lower limb amputee and I am a Type One Diabetic. We are hoping to change the face of beauty one step at a time! We hope by sharing our story, you leave with a little bit more inspiration and hope! Thank you so much for stopping by and joining our tribe!

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About Me


Hi Y'all! My name is Jaime and it's so nice to meet you! Welcome to The Princess & The Prosthetic! This brand is inspired by my daughter Callie who is a lower limb amputee. We're dedicated to inspiring others to embrace their own perfectly imperfect fairytale. We advocate for people with disabilities and hope to inspire everyone--regardless of ability--to love and accept themselves just they way they are! I am a story teller at heart and this blog is a virtual scrapbook of our crazy beautiful life. You're in the right place if you are a huge book nerd, drink coffee like your life depends on it, and run on dry shampoo and Amazon Prime. We live a semi-crunchy lifestyle but still love a good Texas BBQ. Inclusion is our love language. You can find us either on the archery range, at the stables, on a hiking trail, or walking our rescue dog, Jack! We are so grateful that you’ve found us—welcome to the fam. Read More


All of these things can look like rest 🌙✌️✨️

I'm learning all I can about how important rest is for me (#hashiwarrior ) and I'm's not just about sleep. 

Taking time for me, prioritizing things that are truly important, and getting rid of pesky perfection are some of the things I'm implementing! 

#hashimotosdisease #autoimmunedisease #restday #perfectionism #timeforme
If I do anything as a mother........
It will be to make sure she knows that she is loved beyond measure ✨️✨️✨️

Slice of life.....

Spring Potting

New Workout Space

Grounding + morning coffee + vitamin D

Puzzles + Coffee

Farming co-op pick up day

Life After Gluten 

25lb draw + 50 meters

ERG Mixer

Board of Directors meeting

Walks on walks
Sharing all the beautiful things that happen when you set (and hold!) a boundary!

#boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #toxicfamilymembers #toxicfamily ##toxicrelationship #toxicrelationshipsurvivor #relationshipadviceforwomen

It's a lot of showing me what a mature love is...
Laughing so hard at your jokes, I pee my pants.
Making me feel gorgeous when I roll out of bed in your oversized academy tee and a messy bun. 

It's a lot of pushing me to be 1% better every day....
Believing in me when I have nothing left in the tank.
Couch dates, the space in-between my fingers that your hands always seem to be, and pulling me back to bed pleading for just five more minutes. 

It's a lot of when I doubt myself, you walking side by side with me through the darkness....and quietly pointing out the places I shine the brightest. 

It's a lot of choices, promises, commitment, and loyalty. It's a lot of stolen kisses, inside jokes, and catching your eyes on me from across the room. 

It's a lot of work. Long walks with the dog on Sunday. "I'll be late. I love you." texts. 

It's a lot of five page love letters in a world full of status updates, dream come trues, and waking up next to you. 

It's a lot of falling in love with each other's chaos. Conquering our demons and wearing our scars like wings. Unpacking childhood wounds, setting boundaries, and seeing each other for the perfectly imperfect humans that we are. 

It's a lot of sighs, eye rolls, heartaches, and comebacks. Wiping away tears and promising to try again.  Wanting to be close instead of wanting to be right. It's a lot of grace and forgiveness.  Healing and inner work.

It's a lot of figuring out if we're wild wrapped in fragile or fragile wrapped in wild when it comes to our love. Because in some ways, this feels so incredibly strong--unbreakable. In other ways, I want to fiercely protect this beautiful, delicate, amazing once in a lifetime thing at all costs from the world. You and me, baby. Always. 

And as we go to sleep tonight, my head tucked neatly into your shoulder....
Every thump.
Every drum.
Every pump of your strong steady heartbeat....
Reminds me of one thing. 


Happy Anniversary ❤️

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