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The Princess and The Prosthetic

Life After Gluten

April 13, 2024 in Diabetic Diva - No Comments

I started to feel off in the fall of 2022. I couldn’t sleep, was so tired during the day that I could barely finish my work, and felt hungover every morning even though I wasn’t drinking alcohol at the time.  I was also experiencing strange heart flutters, anxiety, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, cold intolerance, headaches, joint pain, weight gain, and many other vague symptoms.

Over the last almost two years, I’ve visited a number of doctors, including a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, and my OBGYN. Every test came back “within” normal ranges.  It was gently suggested that I was “getting older.” And that maybe it was just “stress.” And that maybe if I “ate less and worked out” more, I could lose the weight.

Several of the doctors were very dismissive and tried to tell me this was just a part of getting older. And frankly, I felt like I was going a little crazy. Was I over-reacting? Was I imagining it? I started to question myself.

I threw myself into my health.  Red light, sauna, cold plunge, supplements, working out, IV therapy.  Despite all of that, the intermittent symptoms persisted.

But I wasn’t over-reacting. I know my body better than anyone else. I’ve lived in it for 42 years. I know when something is wrong. I know how I was feeling and as a last ditch effort made an appointment at a hormone clinic.

And now, I finally have an answer.

I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto’s Disease. It’s a disease that damages the thyroid, a gland that releases hormones that control metabolism, growth, and a number of other bodily functions.

Needless to say…..I’m glad that I never gave up advocating for myself. I’m glad that I didn’t take the first doctor’s response at face value. I’m glad that I continued to ask questions, get blood draws, and ask for clinic recommendations. I’ve glad that I have an answer, a path to take, and a treatment plan.

Here’s the immediate things I’m doing to manage my Hashimoto’s Disease:

Removed Gluten and Dairy

Yep.  No more bread, pasta, cookies, muffins, cheese, raw milk, sour cream, or coffee creamer.  Insert primal scream here.  I live a life where food is already such a key player in my world.  I overcame an eating disorder from my diabetes and literally every single day, I’m thinking about, accounting for, and calculating things related to food.  I’m planning for my meals, my carb counts, and my exercise plan to match  my insulin needs so the addition of MORE rules around food has been a bit disheartening to say the least.

Luckily, I already eat very healthy.  I think honestly that’s what helped me from suffering even more than I already was–my diet, exercise plan, and overall wellness was able to stave off a lot of things.  So now I’m in a search for gluten free replacements for the things that I do like to splurge on from time to time.  Dairy will be a bit more of a challenge because your girl LOVES milk and cheese.  I’m heartbroken I have to give up my raw milk and cream in my coffee but I just have to keep reminding myself of how much better I’m going to feel without those inflammatory things in my body.  My diet will relatively stay the same–lots of protein, good fats, fresh fruits, and whole starches.

If you have favorite gluten free or dairy free products drop them for me in the comments section!

Added Selenium, Vitamin D, and a Different Probiotic

One of the first things we did was take an evaluation of my supplements to ensure I was taking what I needed and in the amount I needed.  We promptly upped my Vitamin D, added Selenium, and swapped out my probiotic to a higher CFU. I need to take extra steps to protect my immune system and supplements are the first steps.

Changed my workouts

As I was dipping my toes into looking at my hormone health, I had already proactively changed some of my workouts and my specialist was in favor of continuing on the plan I was currently on.  My new plan looks like weight lifting 3-5 days per week, 10k steps daily (preferably in the sun so I can get some Vit D), and some longer Zone 2 cardio sessions during the week.  We are avoiding anything that puts an undue amount of stress on my body–so no more boot camp, kickboxing, or HIIT workouts.  I am starting to add in some yoga sessions and will also incorporate some functional/stretching sessions 1-2 times a week.


Prioritize Sleep & Managing Stress

I am making sleep my #1 priority.  I need to think about sleep as something I need to be “good” at rather than just something that I do. We have instituted black out times for our devices, a solid bedtime (not just during the week) and ordered red lights for our bedroom (look up the benefits for sleep!).  Sleep is HUGE for recovery and making sure I can balance my cortisol levels out so I’m focused on making sure I get good quality sleep.

I’ve also made stress management a priority.  When your own immune system is attacking itself, you have to do all you can to protect it.  I mentioned adding yoga, but I’m also adding in infra-red sauna sessions as well as meditation daily.  My life is very stressful.  I have a daughter with a disability, I now have two auto immune diseases, and my husband’s in the most dangerous profession in America.  Stress is my best friend but unfortunately, that’s a recipe for disaster with Hashimoto’s.  I am watching You Tube videos on breathing exercises, journaling practices, supplements to take, all in efforts to lower my stress levels. We’re looking at things that we can outsource (car washes, house cleaning, grocery pickups) and asking for help more often with things.  We (both) tend to just shoulder a lot of burdens and very rarely ask for help–which just adds to our stress levels–so prioritizing help is key for me moving forward.

Added a Thyroid Medication

I’m just a blonde chick on the internet so I’m not going to tell you what thyroid medication I’m taking nor the dosage.  Let’s just say, if you think you have Hashimoto’s… to your doctor and ask them to run lab work.  What they prescribed for me is working well and it’s something that as I improve, hopefully, won’t have to remain on for the rest of my life.

I thought I would just share the above things in hopes that if anyone else is in this “messy middle” that I am, maybe you won’t feel so alone.  I know that a lot of the times we share content, ideas, or practices after we’ve navigated through the hard thing.  But I’m sharing here–in the early stages of this journey.  I’m drinking from a fire hose–desperately trying to learn everything that I can about this disease.

Am I heartbroken? Yes.

On one hand, I want to ask the Universe why it continues to give these health challenges to me.

When is enough….enough?

Type One Diabetes, Cancer, AND now Hashimoto’s Disease? One to manage is hard enough and two feels insurmountable.

On the other hand, I know why.

It’s because I’m strong enough to handle them.


Hi everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by! My name is Jaime! Wife to my better half, James, who is my moon and all of my stars. We are parents to our little warrior princess, Callie Grace. We started this blog to share our journey as we navigate through our crazy beautiful life. Callie is a lower limb amputee and I am a Type One Diabetic. We are hoping to change the face of beauty one step at a time! We hope by sharing our story, you leave with a little bit more inspiration and hope! Thank you so much for stopping by and joining our tribe!

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About Me


Hi Y'all! My name is Jaime and it's so nice to meet you! Welcome to The Princess & The Prosthetic! This brand is inspired by my daughter Callie who is a lower limb amputee. We're dedicated to inspiring others to embrace their own perfectly imperfect fairytale. We advocate for people with disabilities and hope to inspire everyone--regardless of ability--to love and accept themselves just they way they are! I am a story teller at heart and this blog is a virtual scrapbook of our crazy beautiful life. You're in the right place if you are a huge book nerd, drink coffee like your life depends on it, and run on dry shampoo and Amazon Prime. We live a semi-crunchy lifestyle but still love a good Texas BBQ. Inclusion is our love language. You can find us either on the archery range, at the stables, on a hiking trail, or walking our rescue dog, Jack! We are so grateful that you’ve found us—welcome to the fam. Read More


All of these things can look like rest 🌙✌️✨️

I'm learning all I can about how important rest is for me (#hashiwarrior ) and I'm's not just about sleep. 

Taking time for me, prioritizing things that are truly important, and getting rid of pesky perfection are some of the things I'm implementing! 

#hashimotosdisease #autoimmunedisease #restday #perfectionism #timeforme
If I do anything as a mother........
It will be to make sure she knows that she is loved beyond measure ✨️✨️✨️

Slice of life.....

Spring Potting

New Workout Space

Grounding + morning coffee + vitamin D

Puzzles + Coffee

Farming co-op pick up day

Life After Gluten 

25lb draw + 50 meters

ERG Mixer

Board of Directors meeting

Walks on walks
Sharing all the beautiful things that happen when you set (and hold!) a boundary!

#boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #toxicfamilymembers #toxicfamily ##toxicrelationship #toxicrelationshipsurvivor #relationshipadviceforwomen

It's a lot of showing me what a mature love is...
Laughing so hard at your jokes, I pee my pants.
Making me feel gorgeous when I roll out of bed in your oversized academy tee and a messy bun. 

It's a lot of pushing me to be 1% better every day....
Believing in me when I have nothing left in the tank.
Couch dates, the space in-between my fingers that your hands always seem to be, and pulling me back to bed pleading for just five more minutes. 

It's a lot of when I doubt myself, you walking side by side with me through the darkness....and quietly pointing out the places I shine the brightest. 

It's a lot of choices, promises, commitment, and loyalty. It's a lot of stolen kisses, inside jokes, and catching your eyes on me from across the room. 

It's a lot of work. Long walks with the dog on Sunday. "I'll be late. I love you." texts. 

It's a lot of five page love letters in a world full of status updates, dream come trues, and waking up next to you. 

It's a lot of falling in love with each other's chaos. Conquering our demons and wearing our scars like wings. Unpacking childhood wounds, setting boundaries, and seeing each other for the perfectly imperfect humans that we are. 

It's a lot of sighs, eye rolls, heartaches, and comebacks. Wiping away tears and promising to try again.  Wanting to be close instead of wanting to be right. It's a lot of grace and forgiveness.  Healing and inner work.

It's a lot of figuring out if we're wild wrapped in fragile or fragile wrapped in wild when it comes to our love. Because in some ways, this feels so incredibly strong--unbreakable. In other ways, I want to fiercely protect this beautiful, delicate, amazing once in a lifetime thing at all costs from the world. You and me, baby. Always. 

And as we go to sleep tonight, my head tucked neatly into your shoulder....
Every thump.
Every drum.
Every pump of your strong steady heartbeat....
Reminds me of one thing. 


Happy Anniversary ❤️

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